Unwanted fat, as if there were any other kind.
It may sound like an oxymoron at first, the idea of “unwanted fat.” The truth is, there is a certain amount of body fat that is considered healthy. Of course, most Americans far exceed this amount. Chalk it up to lifestyle or the time constraints that keep us from exercising on a regular basis. But, recent studies have begun to suggest that fat may have a closer tie to genetics than previously thought.1 That means exercise and a healthy lifestyle may not be enough to get rid of unwanted fat, especially in “problem areas” like “love-handles,” thighs, and arms.
When it comes to unwanted fat, FamWell MD can help. Using both invasive procedures such as Liposuction teamed with Laser or RF energy or non-invasive treatments such as VelaShape, UltraShape, I-Lipo, Thermi Smooth, Z-Wave and Kybella Injectables, we likely have a solution for you.
We also have a new non-surgical procedure called UltraShape, that has been shown to rupture fat cells using pulsed focused ultrasound… the fat is then absorbed by the body. After a few treatments, most patients see a noticeable reduction in the level of fat in treated areas. This can be particularly helpful in individuals who have lost weight, but can’t seem to lose it in a particular “problem” area.*
We often get asked if these treatments are “permanent.” And the answer is yes and no. When we gain fat, it has been previously theorized that our fat cells increase in size, but not in number. Thus when fat cells are destroyed, it was thought that they do not regenerate. However, new studies suggest this may not be completely accurate.2 Certainly, the “problem areas” that are treated should not come back to nearly the same degree as before, but they can regenerate to a small degree and other areas may increase in fat composition. We recommend diet and exercise, along with body-contouring, to see the best results.
Contact FamWell MD to schedule a free consultation.
Be sure to also see:
Before and After Photos – Coming Soon!
* All services discussed are representative of typical and/or expected results/experiences; however, we cannot guarantee individual outcomes/experiences will match those described and/or depicted in images.
1.) Zhao J, Bradfield JP, Li M, et al. The role of obesity-associated loci identified in genome-wide association studies in the determination of pediatric BMI. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2009;17(12):2254–2257. doi:10.1038/oby.2009.159 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2860782/
2.) Jeffery, E., Church, C., Holtrup, B. et al. Rapid depot-specific activation of adipocyte precursor cells at the onset of obesity. Nat Cell Biol17, 376–385 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncb3122 – https://www.nature.com/articles/ncb3122