Skin concerns can be difficult to deal with, especially when they are hard to conceal. Fine lines, wrinkles, and dull, damaged skin are all imperfections that can cause you to feel self conscious and appear aged. Luckily, with advances in technology and the cosmetic industry, there is now a non-invasive and advanced treatment that can replenish your skin from the inside out. With Fractora Skin Rejuvenation, you can achieve a renewed texture and glow of your skin.
What is Fractora Skin Rejuvenation?
This is a personalized and advanced treatment that utilizes the power of radio-frequency energy delivered beneath the skin in order to diminish aging and skin concerns on the surface. It is an effective remedy for ablative skin resurfacing within the common problem areas of the face, neck, and chest. If you are unhappy with the current look of your skin, this rejuvenating treatment can have your skin looking and feeling its best.
How Does it Work?
Treatments are personalized to address the specific concerns of each patient and their aesthetic desires. During treatment, the specialized handpiece is held to the treatment area. The fractora device then emits RF energy that is gently delivered beneath the skin through tiny localized heat within the tissue. The innovative energy works to safely heat the tissue while activating restoration and collagen production within the tissue. This is effective at replenishing the health of skin for improved hydration and suppleness. The tiny localized micro heat allows for the energy to be delivered with precision that surpasses the capability of alternative treatments that typically require multiple treatments.
Results work to quickly and effectively diminish the appearance of many skin and aging concerns, such as wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. With this highly successful skin remedy you can reclaim your radiantly healthy skin.
There are many benefits that Fractora Skin Rejuvenation can provide you and the quality of your skin including:
- Smooth away fine lines and wrinkles
- Improve skin texture
- Replenish damaged tissue
- Ablation promotes quick and safe skin resurfacing
- Diminish pigmentation irregularities
- Reduce skin redness and blood vessels
- Restore skin’s radiantly healthy glow
Contact Us
If you are ready to reclaim the health and appearance of your skin, and feel that you could make a good candidate for Fractora Skin Rejuvenation, reach out to us here at FamWell MD to learn more about this revolutionary treatment option. Contact us today and schedule your consultation towards a younger looking you!