When Should I Try Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy is helping many people throughout the world be able to live more fulfilled lives because they are able to feel like they did when they were younger in a very short span of time. It can be hard to know if this option is right for you, so the following guide can walk you through a few factors that may make it easier to decipher if you are a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy. Here at FamWell MD, we are proud to provide this treatment to our patients and encourage you to learn more about it.

Are You Going Through Menopause?

Have you started to go through menopause or feel that you may be starting to feel some of the symptoms of menopause? If you are having hot flashes, have started to diminish how often or the duration of your menstruation, have started to gain weight unexpectedly or are feeling more lethargic than usual, you may be premenopausal or already in menopause. Symptoms of hormone imbalance include:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Poor concentration
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Low libido
  • Hair loss
  • Limited energy

Getting hormone replacement therapy can be a great way to regulate your hormones so that these symptoms can be greatly decreased so you can live a better quality of life overall.

Curious to Learn More? Get In Touch with Us 

To start an evaluation and see if you would be a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy, we heartily invite you to reach out and make an appointment with FamWell MD! At our convenient locations in Jacksonville, our caring and knowledgeable team will be happy to explain the benefits of this revolutionary treatment and answer any questions you may have. Once you have a better understanding of how the replacement therapy works and the benefits that you could experience from it, you will be able to make an informed decision if it is right for you. Contact us today to set up a consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!